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Elevator guide rail knowledge summary

Views : 421
Author : Jason
Update time : 2021-07-07 12:59:13


The process for cold-drawn involves stretching the material thus modifying its structure. Planing involves machining the guide rail by stripping the edgings. 冷拔的工艺包含了拉伸材料而改变材料结构的过程。刨削则是用切削的方式对导轨进行机械加工。



Because the cold-drawn process produces short bends caused by the variations in the raw material thickness rolled along the section. These bends make the lateral acceleration rates high原材料因轧制厚度的不均会在冷拔过程中形成小的弯曲。这些弯曲会加大了横向加速度值。



No, the calculations for comfort are carried out using a mathematical model validated with practical tests, hence the speed limits set are approximate.  不。舒适度的计算是通过使用经实践检测有效的数学模型进行的,因此速度推荐值的设定是近似的。



The clip must be capable of supporting all the stresses produced when the lift moves and must also be capable of allowing the guide rail to slide if necessary. 导轨压块(板)一方面必须能够承受电梯运动时所产生的力,另一方面能够允许导轨必要的滑动。



Jerking at the joints of guide rails that do not have the right quality produces this jolting movement. 导轨对接处的质量问题颠动轿箱形成了这种震荡。



Yes, because although the tectyl is compatible with the oils used, it must be cleaned so that the guide-shoe or roller will function properly. 是的。虽然防锈涂层和使用的润滑油兼容,但是必须清除后才能保证滑动或滚轮导靴的正常运行。



No, guide rails under normal working conditions do not wear out because both the guide-shoes and the rollers are softer than the guide rails. The guide rail may only be damaged through the action of the safety gear. 不会。导轨在正常工作状态下不会损耗,因为滑动和滚轮导靴的材质都软于导轨。导轨可能只在安全钳动作时才会损坏。



Guide rails carry out functions of both guiding and safety, since they are the structural member on which the safety gear works. Steel is currently the cheapest material that perfectly meets these two requirements. 由于导轨是支持安全钳工作运行的结构部件,因此具有导向和保证安全双重作用。钢材是目前最经济又能同时满足这两个要求的材料。



This eliminates the need for a machine room and no loads are therefore placed on the building. Since the guide rails are supported on the ground, they act as perfect support for holding up the machinery and other elements. 这种安装方式毋需曳引机房,也就减少建筑物的负荷。由于导轨立于地面,它们完全可以作为曳引机和其他部件的支撑。



The guide rails are 5 meters long because it is the appropriate manufacturing length and allows the parameters for straightening to be checked properly. 标准导轨5米长,既是方便制造的长度,也便于更好地检测直线度参数。



They do not affect low-rise elevators, but for elevators covering numerous floors building contraction or differences in temperature may cause warping in the guide rails. 低楼层电梯通常不会受到影响,但对于楼层很多的电梯而言,建筑物的收缩或温差变化会使导轨发生变形。



The greatest problems for comfort are caused by the joints between guide rails on the riding path, therefore it is extremely important to have good quality guide rails and to obtain accurate alignment. 影响舒适感的最大问题是轨道上两支导轨的对接。因此使用优质导轨并且进行精确的调整是非常重要的。



No, the guide rails do not have surface treatments. On cold-drawn guide rails the cold-drawn process modifies the mechanical features of the material.  不,导轨没有经过表面处理。冷拔过程会改变材料的机械特性。



Yes, but to a lesser extent than the one for the car. The vibrations from the counterweight are sent along the cable and may affect comfort somewhat. For the counterweight a lower quality may be used than that for the car. 是的,但并没有轿厢轨道的影响大。对重装置的振动沿着缆线传递,多少会影响舒适度。对重轨道的质量可低于轿厢轨道。



The fishplates should be calculated with the same restrictions for deflection as the guide rails, providing that joint plates are not placed near a bracket.  假如连接板不是在安装的支架附近,连接板应按导轨相同的变形量限制来计算。



The roughness level of the guide rails affects the wear of the guide-shoes or rollers. It also affects the friction factor and the behavior of the safety gear. One extremely important point is to maintain a uniformity of roughness in order to provide consistent behavior of the guide rail. 导轨的粗糙度会影响滑动和滚动导靴的损耗。也会影响摩擦系数和安全钳的运作。非常重要的是要保持粗糙度的一致从而使导轨表现稳定。



- The guide rails must be larger than the ones that are normally used.

- The clips or the brackets must be sliding.

- The fishplates must be especially rigid so there will be no possibility of slipping of the guide rail over the fishplate.

- 使用比正常情况下更大规格的导轨;
- 导轨压块(板)或者导轨支架必须是可滑动的;
- 连接板必须坚固,避免导轨相对连接板而滑动。



Ideally, a guide rail should be manufactured to match the required length for the installation, but since this is not possible we replace it with the "continuous guide rail". This means that several guide rails are mounted, and the joints are guaranteed to maintain the same parameters as the rest of the guide rail. 理想的情况下,导轨应制成与安装所需相匹配的长度。当然这是不可能的,所以我们用“连续式导轨”的概念来代替。 这是指虽由多支导轨连接但对接处能确保与导轨其他部分相同的性能参数。



The way to ensure comfort is to choose the right components right from the design stage. To do so, the necessary parameters must be defined for all the elements that affect comfort. When comfort is not achieved the first time, the cost escalates up because it is difficult to detect which element is the one at fault. 保证电梯舒适度的方法是从设计阶段就选择正确的部件。为此,应为所有会影响舒适度的部件确定必要的参数。如果舒适度不在第一时间实现,以后付出的成本将会更高,因为很难确定哪个部件出了问题。



It depends on each individual case. Sometimes the distance is determined by the building, but when this limitation does not exist, it is necessary to analyze the cost of installing more brackets as compared to the cost of a larger guide rail. 视具体情况而定。有时候楼层高度已经限定了导轨支架的间距。如果没有楼层限制,则有必要比较分析安装更多支架和使用更大规格导轨的成本。



In a high-speed lift, everything down to the smallest detail is important. The roller should be a good one, but as is the case with cars, the suspension may be good but if the road is not, the result will not be the best possible. At present, the trend for obtaining comfort at high speed is to use rollers with low-stiffness springs so that they better filter the acceleration rates. However, it may be very dangerous since large movements of the rollers over the car may cause contacts with the safety systems and other mechanical elements. In our opinion, the stresses for the springs must always be higher than the maximum stresses that arise from the calculation for the lift.
